Why Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney for Elder Abuse?

The attorneys at MOET Law Group, APC specialize in helping clients receive compensation for their personal injury claims.

Our personal injury attorneys know that elder abuse is a serious issue in our society today. We are committed to protecting the rights of our senior citizens and ensuring that their caretakers are held responsible for any instances of mistreatment. When you come forward to report elder abuse, you’re helping protect other seniors who may be in similar situations. If your loved one is being abused in any way, it’s important to speak up and do everything you can to protect them. Our attorneys are committed to helping seniors deal with physical, emotional, and financial injuries caused by the negligence of others.

Elder Abuse is a Serious Issue in Our Society Today.

Elder abuse is a serious issue in our society today, with an estimated one in ten elders aged sixty and older have experienced some form of elder abuse. Elder abuse can include physical, emotional, and financial abuse or neglect.

In many cases, the abuser is someone close to the senior—a family member or caregiver they trusted. In fact, more than two-thirds (69%) of abusers were adult children or spouses of their victims.

Elder Abuse Includes Many Forms of Abuse or Neglect, Including Physical and Financial Abuse.

Elder abuse can take many forms, including physical and financial abuse. Physical elder abuse involves the use of force against an elderly person. Financial elder abuse occurs when someone uses money or assets without the consent of the elderly person. Emotional elder abuse includes verbal or nonverbal communication that causes fear, humiliation, degradation, or intimidation in an elderly person.

Elder Abuse Can Occur Anywhere.

One of the biggest problems with elder abuse is that it can happen anywhere. It can occur in homes, nursing homes, hospitals, or any other place where the elderly are being cared for by others. This can often make it difficult for the victim to speak up and report their case. They often don’t want to feel like a burden to those around them, and will keep their abuse secret. 

Many Elder Abuse Claims Get Ignored or Brushed Under the Rug.

  • Elder abuse victims often feel ashamed and embarrassed, which can prevent them from speaking up about their experiences.
  • Many victims are also afraid of being a burden on family members, who may have to care for them if they report the abuse.
  • The victim might also believe that no one will believe them or be able to help them.
  • And even if someone does believe the victim, it’s likely that the family has been covering up the situation for years already—so what good could possibly come of bringing it into the open?

In addition to these feelings of shame and embarrassment, many elder abuse victims fear they won’t be believed or supported in their claims against their abuser(s).

Personal Injury Attorneys That Are Committed to Our Senior Citizens

  • Personal injury attorneys are committed to protecting the rights of our senior citizens and ensuring that their caretakers are held responsible for any instances of mistreatment.
  • Seniors should be able to live out their golden years in peace and comfort, not fear or discomfort.
  • If you have been abused, injured or mistreated by a family member, friend or caregiver, we can help you seek justice.

Reporting an Elder Abuse Case to A Personal Injury Attorney Can Protect the Victim (as Well as Future Victims).

When you come forward to report elder abuse, you’re helping protect other seniors who may be in similar situations. By reporting the abuse, families can work together to ensure that their loved one is receiving the care they need and deserve. This can help prevent future abuse from happening because people will know that it’s not okay to treat someone in this way. When a family comes forward about elder abuse, it opens up a dialogue about how we can stop this type of mistreatment from taking place again.

Complexity of Elder Abuse Claims and Need For an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney.

Elder abuse claims are complex. There may be multiple parties responsible for your injuries, including your family member’s caretakers, other family members, a personal representative of your loved one’s estate, or even the nursing home or medical facility where your loved one is staying. Additionally, there may be significant economic and emotional damages involved in elder abuse cases. For example, in addition to physical injuries such as broken bones and concussions (which could require expensive medical treatment), you may lose wages from missing work due to the injuries suffered by your loved one or have to pay additional expenses because you had to take over their care duties while they were recovering from their injury.

These factors can make elder abuse cases harder than typical personal injury cases because they often involve larger sums of money as well as complicated legal issues related to inheritance laws and Medicare/Medicaid eligibility (if these issues aren’t managed properly through an experienced attorney). However, there are certain advantages that come with having an attorney on your side:

  • You will have someone who understands how these types of cases work—their experience allows them not only to help you overcome challenges but also prevent unnecessary delays in getting compensation for yourself;
  • By acting quickly after discovering abuse has occurred at home–whether by contacting police officers immediately after witnessing violence or by filing a lawsuit within two years after finding out about any neglectful behavior–your chances of recovering damages will increase significantly since most states require claims alleging elder abuse against caregivers must usually begin within three years after discovering it took place;

Don’t Wait Too Long to Speak With a Personal Injury Attorney In An Elder Abuse Case

If you’re the victim of elder abuse, it’s important to act quickly in filing a claim on behalf of yourself or a loved one. If you wait too long to file a claim on behalf of yourself or a loved one, you could be turning away from important evidence and losing valuable time to bring those responsible for the abuse to justice.

In some instances, perpetrators will attempt to cover up their actions by destroying any evidence that could prove their guilt. If this is attempted and fails due to an error on their part (for example, forgetting about an old hard drive), then this mistake can help support your case against them. However, if they were successful in covering up their actions before being caught—or even worse if they were successful in covering up their actions after being caught—then this may not be possible at all unless there are other witnesses who saw what was happening when it happened or heard about it afterward from others who were present at the time.

If Your Loved One is Being Abused in Any Way, Speak With a Personal Injury Attorney to Protect Them.

  • If your loved one is being abused in any way, it’s important to speak up and do everything you can to protect them.
  • Report the abuse to the proper authorities.
  • If you are concerned about your loved one’s situation, contact a personal injury attorney who can help you find out how to proceed with the case.

Our Personal Injury Attorneys are Committed to Helping Seniors Deal with Physical, Emotional, and Financial Abuse Caused by the Negligence of Others.

Our attorneys are committed to helping seniors deal with physical, emotional, and financial injuries caused by the negligence of others.

If you or your loved one has been harmed in some way and you suspect elder abuse, we will help you find a personal injury attorney. We can also help you file a lawsuit against those responsible for your injuries. In addition to monetary compensation, if we win your case, we may be able to recover medical expenses or punitive damages that could cover additional costs related to the accident.

Our Personal Injury Attorneys Will Fight To Protect You.

If you’ve witnessed a senior being abused, it’s important to report it right away. Our attorneys are here to help you make sure your loved one gets the justice they deserve for their injuries and damages. If you suspect that your senior citizen is being mistreated by someone else, contact us immediately so we can investigate their case and determine if there is any legal action that needs to be taken on behalf of this person or their family members.

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