
The attorneys at MOET Law Group, APC specialize in helping clients receive compensation for their personal injury claims.

How Do I Find A Personal Injury Attorney?

How Do I Find A Personal Injury Attorney?

You've been injured in an accident as a result of another party’s negligence and now you may be wondering how to find a personal injury attorney for your case. It can be difficult to determine who to trust with such a serious legal matter. Sometimes, finding the right...

How is a Personal Injury Settlement Calculated?

How is a Personal Injury Settlement Calculated?

Personal injury claims usually arise after an accident where someone is injured by the carelessness of another person. These are usually caused by road accidents involving cars, trucks, and motorbikes, but may also include slip and falls, dog bites, etc. Even though...

COVID 19 Personal Injury Claims

COVID 19 Personal Injury Claims

Businesses and essential services operating during the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic fear a wave of litigation for COVID-19 personal injury claims. Across the U.S., COVID-19 cases have already been filed in courts. These concern plaintiffs who feel that the...

What to do if a drunk driver hits you?

What to do if a drunk driver hits you?

According to the National Highway Safety Administration (NHSA), in 2018 alone, 10,511 deaths resulted from drunk driving accidents. The most recent cost-related data for deaths and damages from drunken driving was last updated in 2010 and was estimated to be upwards...

When should you hire a car accident attorney?

When should you hire a car accident attorney?

You probably don't think about this while you're on the road. But car insurance companies keep scores of personal injury lawyers on retainer to protect their interests. To even the playing field, if you're involved in a collision, don't go it alone. This is...

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